Monday, August 20, 2007

Sabah Trip

last two week we going to sabah and have a few funny thing that happened may be you can check it out some funny picture and some picture that cannot show to outside but guess what they are doing ......................


WeiC said...

how d pic.. nice le.. ur should ask who tk d pic d.. cos he is "super professional photographer - kenqi"...

wat we doing... ye yek yek.. u know i know la..

Unknown said...

wahlau eh this girl still "bei pai sei" you know later the girlfriends come and kill you and cut you to 18 piece and keep it into pensonic freezer you baru know

WeiC said...

gal~ tis is super profesionnal photographer - kenqi ask us acting d.. if wana kill pls kill him 1st...

* p/s: i think he need to chop into 24pcs if not cant fix in to d fridge

kid said...

waaaa....wan like that mehhh...that is underground 1 lehh..canot publish that photo lerrr..Actually that wasn't wat all u guys & gals thought. Actually it was the oppisite, this gal came into my room and my bed. I takut im the one that kena chop n fit into a freezer

Unknown said...

ok la actually i m the photographer actually what this two ppl trying to do is .... the girl want to show to his bf so the bf will more take care of her... and the boy one ler is a "kai ler fei" but got chance to take photo with the naked ladies ma " la la lam" go lor ...........opps... naked or not i dunnu lor you guys guess la wherther the girl naked or not ???...................hahahaha

WeiC said...

kid~~ u die liao.. if u kena chop wahaha i cant imagine d murder need to chop u to how many pcs lo.. is d big project lo.. somemore need to buy a huge freeze to fix in.. reli reli big project...

Unknown said...

may be need to buy the freezer ... or wei you might need mr khoo to source out the freezer the his gf to keep keith

leng leng said...

y u 3 think so much!!! need to buy many freezerssss??? chop his gf mai "kau tim" liao lor!! then u both can "play wat" also can laio and kenqi "take wat" pic also can liao.... is it???? wuhahahaha...

Unknown said...

wuhauhau already know who are u liao la